pertamo2 skali ambo nk mtok maah byok ko demo2 hok xpehe ambo tulih gpo kali nih. pisoh jah bena nk nulih kut loghat klate. pado demo2 hok pehe tuh, tahniah ambo oyak lagi2 kalu meme hok buke ore klate. slamat mencubo baco la deh..tkpo laa, skali skalo kto blaja loghat klate deh..cepat2 cari kamuh, tejemoh mula ambo tulih gpo nih, sero xpyoh lah mno kay..
xdok gpo ngat nok kare nyo. male nih ore pakat tdo awa blako doh keh nyo cade esk nk g pakat2 tubek mlawat adek laki ambo hok duk kray nuh, sapa ko nenek ambo naik ra nk ikut jgk. rindu bekali, napok gyo rindu kakloh..ambo pun rindu jgk bdok tuh tp niat utamonyo ambo nk g ambek kamera jah lmo dh duk dio gilire ambo la plop, g..tu...
aritu, adek ambo nih msuk tnding tarannum, 1st time lok tuh, ganoh jgk dio buleh no 2 lawe 36 buah mrsm tuh..xtau la plop adek ambo nih ngaji sedak, banggo la jgk jd kak dio..hihihi. ummi nga ayoh xsoh duk oyak la suko bena mujur xwak bekwoh jah..mujur, kalu dok gak bekwah2 nih ambo la jd tuke duk blake umoh.paka come2 pun jd kijo jung gonyoh koli jgk..hohoho
gpo dh ambo ngare nih..huhu, jiwo xbrapo tene nih bena, xdok la nk kto byok mslh so jah kali tp gak hok kiro2 nyo dasat kali..saloh nyo beloh ambo sero,biaso la manusio ado silap sokmo tp gak ambo nih bkpo nyo jd silap hok smo sokmo, sngotti eh xdok niat pun nk ule2 tp yo jd diri. xtau la bkpo bodo mena.huh..ambo kalu buleh xse wi dio sakit sbb ambo. sokmo mikir nk wak dio sengeh eppy sokmo tp gak lah2 ambo jgk hok jd puco dio sedih sakit n seumpamo. ..
k'lah, ambo nk blebing ath kate doh nih. naling gok kot2 xbikah bgn esk..
sapo nk jaming de kno tingga gak....
maaf kpd hok xleh nk pehe2 jgk...=P
sie demo..hahhaa
26 June 2009
11 June 2009
Date : 8, 9, 10 jun 2009
Vanue: Pahang Darul Makmur
Vanue: Pahang Darul Makmur
First day : Lawatan ke Kelab Polo, Pusat Tenunan dan Rumah kelahiran Tun Abdul Razak. kesemuanya bertempat di Pekan, Pahang
Second day : Jalan-jalan D Teluk Chempedak

Third day : makan besar..hihihi

Antara juadah yg disajikan ialah:
teluk chempedak ni best gak ahh, ade beruk2 gitu..hohoho...nk tau lbh terperinci bleh la klik link nih, kot2 korang nk g jalan saner gak..sile2..TELUK CHEMPEDAK
Third day : makan besar..hihihi
Antara juadah yg disajikan ialah:
- kerabu mangga
- ikan stim masak halia (ikan siakap)
- udang tempura
- telur dadar
alhamdullilah, kenyang gitu..mmg best ahh mkn kat situ,,lupe lak name kedai makan tuh..yg pasti kedai makan tuh berhadapan dgn Hotel Grand Continental. actually ktrg dpt jalan2 nie pun sbb ayah aku ade keje kat sane, pas2 leh bwk family laa...hihihi
tp yg xbest nye angah ngan acik xleh join same ats sbb2 yg xdpt delakkan..tkpe lah next year insyaallah bleh join same k..hihihi
tp yg xbest nye angah ngan acik xleh join same ats sbb2 yg xdpt delakkan..tkpe lah next year insyaallah bleh join same k..hihihi
tag dr chah pulok....
1) "5" nama timangan anda
2) "5" sifat or tabiat buruk
3) "5" makanan favourite
4) "5" subjek pelajran paling suke
5) ''5'' lime benda wajib dlm purse
6) "5" topik yg biase dibual bersame pasangan or teman
- wa -biase kwn2 rapat pggl ak wa..n sdare mara yg tua dr aku..n die
- kakak - ummi n ayah n adik2 kdg2 ummi pggl wa jgk
- najwa - mereka2 yg br berkenalan dgn aku tp yg dh lme pun ade gak..mgkn diorg slese pggl najwa
- kak we- spupu2 yg mude2 dr ak pggl ak kak we..bunyi cm dh tue lak..oho
- wawa - ade la jgk 2 3 org kwn ak pggl wawa...enth la, diorg suke kot...
2) "5" sifat or tabiat buruk
- saya kuat tdo
- saya kuat makan malam2
- saya slalu gaduh dgn cua aka adik yg kedua last..slalu!!!
- saya sombong (ade org ckp sy smbg...dh ade org ckp letak jela...)
- saya suka memerap dlm bilik
3) "5" makanan favourite
- nasi ayam yg ummi buat
- macaroni bakar
- kerabu mangga
- asam pedas cik buat
- goreng pisang
4) "5" subjek pelajran paling suke
- kelas addmath time dgn cikgu zul - best sbb stp kali time die mst cuak gler babeng ahh..
- kelas dgn sifu razi - mmg kelas plg sempoi ahh
- C++ - sbb ak slalu blur time kelas nih..hohoho
- kelas EM - dc Om sgt baik hati...hihihi
- kelas memasak dgn nenek ak - sronok sbb bleh mkn time blaja tp kdg2 emo gak...sbb slalu kene mrh.....huuu
5) ''5'' lime benda wajib dlm purse
- ic
- lesen kete
- duit
- cimb card
- stdnt id
6) "5" topik yg biase dibual bersame pasangan or teman
- ape2 jer...
- gosip2 cket
- psl mknn best2
- urm..ape2 je la...
- huh...ape2 jer.....
- t. anis
- cik minn
- wani
- zopor
- didie
06 June 2009
tag dr eppoe
What is your name?
How old are you?
When is your birthday?
Are you looking forward to it?
plan nk g celebrate kat indon..kalau ummi kasi laa....
Are you happy?
i think so..
What makes you happiest?
when my parent happy ^_^
Are you afraid of something?
im afraid of everything
Do you live alone, or with someone else?
wit my family laa
ummi, ayah, cik n adik2..
Do you have any pets?
used to...hehehe
What is your favorite cartoon?
Have you ever hit a deer?
hohohoho......not even in my dream
Do you drink?
Do you prefer beer or liquor?
What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
What kind of cell phone do you have?
Sony Ericsson w580i
Do you like it?
suke2...sbb same dgn jat
What is the funniest word you ever heard?
dgr iman ckp, bunyi cam baby ckp bahse jermen..hahaha
Do you hate it when people call you "dear"?
To whom have you sent the most text messages?
What did you do for new year's eve?
maraton layan series jpon
Were there lots of pictures?
byak kot...
What is your favorite movie?
muvi..hurm..dangerous mind!
What is your favorite song?
fman bai - kau ilhamku
what concerts did you want to see in 2008?
What is your favorite place to chill out?
my room
Do you work out?
Do you wear any jewelry?
rantai pusaka nenek moyang 4 keturunan......hooo
What is your favorite memory of the past couple of years?
sunway lagoon....lalalalala
What is your goal for the year?
do not married yet.
What do you think about when you first wake up?
5 minit lagi...tdo2...
Do you shower daily?
Have you ever eaten sushi?
Did you like it?
bleh laa...doo suker lagi rsenye..hihi
List five things you can't live without:
- Pegangan akidah....
- ilmu
- Family
- t-Bone + jat + kawan2
- komik-komik ku + novel2 ku
What is your best physical feature?
What is your middle name?
wa sof...kui3
Do you get choked up during dramatic movies?
Have you ever liked someone that all of your friends hate?
xpernah..restu kangkwn tu pntg..hohoho
Is there anything that you regret?
Do you want children...
nak ahh..
How many?
What is your favorite number?
What is your favorite sports team?
bergu badminton
What is your most over-used phrase?
What do you not say enough?
You and your other half?
Did you get over your ex, or are you over him/her?
xder ex2...
Are you currently with someone?
Do you love him/her?
so much
Who said "I love you" first?
annual dinner time f5
What is your most significant relationship?
Do you like pet names?
Do you have any?
Do you believe in living together before engagement/marriage?
Have you ever had your heart broken?
Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Does this person know you better than anyone else?
i dont think so
Would you marry this person?
never n ever
Are you happy with your sex life????
who is "Your" band?
What is "Your" song?
kekasih gelapku...hohoho
Do you think you'll be together for a long time?
Do you do a lot of surveys?
Did you like this one?
biase2 jer
aku nak tag:
~trex tbone
~doo doo
~rakan2 mechy..sile2
bt mengisi ms cuti...hehehe
How old are you?

Are you looking forward to it?
plan nk g celebrate kat indon..kalau ummi kasi laa....
Are you happy?
i think so..
What makes you happiest?
when my parent happy ^_^
Are you afraid of something?
im afraid of everything
Do you live alone, or with someone else?
wit my family laa
ummi, ayah, cik n adik2..
Do you have any pets?
used to...hehehe
What is your favorite cartoon?
Have you ever hit a deer?
hohohoho......not even in my dream
Do you drink?
Do you prefer beer or liquor?
What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
What kind of cell phone do you have?
Sony Ericsson w580i
Do you like it?
suke2...sbb same dgn jat
What is the funniest word you ever heard?
dgr iman ckp, bunyi cam baby ckp bahse jermen..hahaha
Do you hate it when people call you "dear"?
To whom have you sent the most text messages?
What did you do for new year's eve?
maraton layan series jpon
Were there lots of pictures?
byak kot...
What is your favorite movie?
muvi..hurm..dangerous mind!
What is your favorite song?
fman bai - kau ilhamku
what concerts did you want to see in 2008?
What is your favorite place to chill out?
my room
Do you work out?
Do you wear any jewelry?
rantai pusaka nenek moyang 4 keturunan......hooo
What is your favorite memory of the past couple of years?
sunway lagoon....lalalalala
What is your goal for the year?
do not married yet.
What do you think about when you first wake up?
5 minit lagi...tdo2...
Do you shower daily?
Have you ever eaten sushi?
Did you like it?
bleh laa...doo suker lagi rsenye..hihi
List five things you can't live without:
- Pegangan akidah....
- ilmu
- Family
- t-Bone + jat + kawan2
- komik-komik ku + novel2 ku
What is your best physical feature?
What is your middle name?
wa sof...kui3
Do you get choked up during dramatic movies?
Have you ever liked someone that all of your friends hate?
xpernah..restu kangkwn tu pntg..hohoho
Is there anything that you regret?
Do you want children...
nak ahh..
How many?
What is your favorite number?
What is your favorite sports team?
bergu badminton
What is your most over-used phrase?
What do you not say enough?
You and your other half?
Did you get over your ex, or are you over him/her?
xder ex2...
Are you currently with someone?
Do you love him/her?
so much
Who said "I love you" first?
annual dinner time f5
What is your most significant relationship?
Do you like pet names?
Do you have any?
Do you believe in living together before engagement/marriage?
Have you ever had your heart broken?
Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Does this person know you better than anyone else?
i dont think so
Would you marry this person?
never n ever
Are you happy with your sex life????
who is "Your" band?
What is "Your" song?
kekasih gelapku...hohoho
Do you think you'll be together for a long time?
Do you do a lot of surveys?
Did you like this one?
biase2 jer
aku nak tag:
~trex tbone
~doo doo
~rakan2 mechy..sile2
bt mengisi ms cuti...hehehe
04 June 2009
jgn salah erti
hurm..mslh gak ble disalah ertikan nie..huuu
berkawan biar seribu, bercinta biar satu...k..
pd ak sume adlh kawan, cmner ak baik pun
ak angap sume adlh plz..
ak xnk ade mslh dgn sape2
jgn suke2 nk judge ak, at least tya ak dl
bfr bt ape2 tangapan..klu cm2 bgs..ak mmg respek
sbb die x terus2 beprasangka buruk..
huhuhu....ape2 pun PEACE!! war =)
berkawan biar seribu, bercinta biar satu...k..
pd ak sume adlh kawan, cmner ak baik pun
ak angap sume adlh plz..
ak xnk ade mslh dgn sape2
jgn suke2 nk judge ak, at least tya ak dl
bfr bt ape2 tangapan..klu cm2 bgs..ak mmg respek
sbb die x terus2 beprasangka buruk..
huhuhu....ape2 pun PEACE!! war =)
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